Echoes from the cyber world #2 Hate speech

A 13-year-old girl called Marie lived in a small town on the outskirts of Munich. She was an avid soccer player, an outstanding member of her school team, and a person known for her positive attitude and ability to bring people together. With her short, curly hair and always dirty soccer shoes, Marie was the perfect example of someone who didn’t care about stereotypes.

The Internet was a daily meeting place for Marie and her friends. They exchanged messages, shared photos of their games and passionately discussed their favorite players. However, everything changed one day when she shared a photo of herself on a popular social media platform after a decisive match in which Marie scored the winning goal.

Initially, the picture received likes and positive comments, but hateful messages soon followed. Some commented on her looks, others criticized her passion for a „boy’s sport“, and still others simply hurled vicious insults. It was Marie’s first encounter with hate speech, and it hit her like an unexpected slap in the face.

Marie tried to ignore the comments at first, but their frequency and cruelty robbed her of sleep and led to a constant fear of checking her phone. The cheerful, self-confident girl she once was withdrew. She began to miss training sessions, withdrew from friends and lost interest in the game she once loved.

Her parents finally noticed the change and urged Marie to confide in them. When they found out about the attacks, they were horrified and immediately contacted the school and the platform on which the comments were posted. The school responded by holding an assembly about the dangers of hate speech and cyberbullying, while the platform deleted some of the hateful comments and blocked the accounts from which they originated.

Although she had support, Marie struggled with the scars left by the words. It was a slow journey, but with the help of a therapist, the support of her family and a love of soccer, she gradually began to regain her self-confidence.

Months later, on a clear, sunny day, Marie tied her soccer boots again and ran onto the pitch, her heart full of determination. She had learned an important lesson: Hate speech was not only an attack on self-esteem, but also a poison that could tear communities apart. But with courage, support and education, it was possible to overcome it.

Marie not only became a spokesperson against hate speech in her school, but also a living example of how resilience can ignite a new light, even in the darkest of times. She realized that everyone, regardless of age, can play a role in making the internet a safer place, and that true strength lies in standing up, not just for yourself, but for others who may not have a voice.