Echoes from the cyber world #1 Cyberbullying

In a small town where everyone seemed to know everyone else, there lived a girl called Marie. She was a quiet tenth-grade student, an avid reader and a dreamer who often lost herself in the worlds she discovered in her books. However, Marie was not particularly active on social media, a rare sight in a time when digital footprints seemed almost as important as real-life experiences.

One day, driven by a desire to interact more with her classmates, Marie decided to join a popular social network. Initially, she found joy in sharing moments of her life and leaving comments on her friends‘ posts. It felt like she had discovered a new community, a digital sanctuary.

But the joy didn’t last long. One day, Marie noticed a strange comment under one of her pictures, which she was reading in the library. „Boredom,“ it said in cold, hard letters. She tried to ignore him, but more comments soon followed. „Nerd“, „outsider“, „nobody likes bookworms“. The words began to make their way into Marie’s thoughts, clouding her self-image.

Marie tried to report the harassment, but the comments only seemed to increase, some began to make fun of her appearance, others of her shy nature. The cyber world, which once seemed to be a place of connection, became a source of constant anxiety. The smartphone, which should have been a window to the world, felt like a thousand eyes constantly watching and judging her.

Lost and isolated, Marie withdrew, deleted her profiles on social media and spent her days wondering what she had done wrong, why she had become the target of these cruel words. Her parents finally noticed the change in her behavior – the constant feeling of dejection, the loss of interest in things she once loved.

After many hesitant attempts, Marie finally opened up to her parents and told them about the experiences she had had online. Shaken, but determined to help their daughter, Marie’s parents turned to the school. With the support of teachers and the school psychologist, Marie began the long process of healing, learning to let go of the digital shadows that haunted her and finding solace in the real world full of genuine connections.

The school launched an anti-cyberbullying campaign, organized workshops that promoted awareness and empathy, and created a safe environment for victims to share their stories. Marie, although still on her road to recovery, found a silver lining amidst the chaos. She started a blog, anonymously of course, about coping with cyberbullying in the hope that her experiences could serve as a beacon for others sailing through the same stormy waters.

Marie finally understood that words, though virtual, carried weight, but she also knew that she would not allow those words to define her. She would continue to read and tell stories, real and fictional, and in each chapter she wrote, she found strength and hope. The echoes in the cyber world might continue to reverberate, but Marie had found her own voice again and she was determined never to let it be silenced again.